Be The Employer Of Choice

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The war for talent is just that, a very competitive environment where companies are competin...

The war for talent is just that, a very competitive environment where companies are competing to attract the very best employees who have talent and will add value to your business.

How can you differentiate yourself from competitors?

WHAT IS ON OFFER? Be aware of what candidates are seeking in their next move. Many employers focus on the salary. Your competitors will be aware of the salary market and at least matching you. Maybe your benefits package can be improved or flexible, what is your work environment like, are there career prospects with this position?

BE GENUINE. Ensure that applicants are made aware of the expectations of the role and the challenges that they will face. What is the company vision? Candidates will appreciate honest and clear communication throughout the process.

CULTURE. How will you show your business culture and values? It is crucial that your hiring managers get this message across, they need to show passion and enthusiasm about the company and the opportunity on offer. Maybe introduce candidates to team members, show them the work environment, the place where they will work – this will paint a picture of them working in that environment.

HAVE A FLUID HIRING PROCESS. As the market hots up, the best candidates are placed very fast. You need to match that pace. It will send a positive message to the candidate. Can you reduce the number of meetings thus speeding up the process? Maybe avoid assessment centres, or include a psychometric test whilst attending an interview?

It is your recruitment process, make your company the preferred option for candidates.

Four Seasons Recruitment
Site by Venn